I've always wanted to do the
butanding experience ever since reading about it back in 2010 when I had a planned trip to Bicol. Unfortunately, neither that trip nor the
butanding watching pushed through.
So it was a good thing that these whale sharks could now be seen just a few hours down south, in the town of Oslob.
I admit that I was skeptical at first if these
butandings were the real thing (ahaha), like how could they find their way to these shores? So when news broke out about how they were "domesticated", and how the locals weren't treating them right and making money out of the visitors who flocked to the town to see them, I was all about boycotting this tourist trap.
Through time, though, it seemed that not only were the environmentalists taking notice, the government was joining in on the cause to protect these gentle giants as well. Finally, when Yza (one of my best friends) went there with her family a few months back, she reported that it wasn't as bad as how it was made out to be, and that there was indeed a briefing process before you were allowed to swim with them. I figured I could give it a try.
Thus, when our team decided to head to Oslob for our first ever team outing, it was a great opportunity to take a side trip to watch these whale sharks at sea. That was how I found myself in a rented multicab along with some other team mates heading to the whale watching area.
It's more fun in Oslob! |