I honestly forgot when this took place hehe.. Bahaw na ni na pics but anyway..
This was our first-ever NSC outing, and boy was it fun! We called it our "team-building" but it was really just an out-of-town thing that we'd planned to steal away from the pressures of student council life for a day.. (Oh, and I seem to remember na, this was during our sem-break.. yey)
The day started out with us taking the mini-bus from the North Bus Terminal to Catmon. The ride itself was pret-ty LONG, but I barely noticed since I was busy chewing Caj's ear off with my stories and some minor trivialities - and I kept it up all the way to Catmon (so sorry Caj, but you gotta admit, it made the whole trip less tedious =D). The mini-bus dropped us off across the dirt road which would lead us to our destination. But before we could even start walking the 250m or so of non-asphalted road, we had to make a quick stop by the trees (banana trees to be exact.. Although come to think of it, bananas aren't exactlyTREES.. Shrubs? Anyway..) coz the boys decided that they REALLY had to GO.. So we attempted to take a shot of them peeing, didn't make a good pic though.
After a few minutes of hiking, we finally arrived at our destination = AROMA. It was kinda cool even from the outside coz we had an immediate view of the slide. And it was long and TALL. We couldn't wait. So we kinda ran into the place, paid for a cottage, dropped our stuff off, and changed into swim clothes (but not before we took some "arrival photos". We waited until Gil and Bird came with the ready-to-cook food, and when they did, started setting up the table. Gil and John went ahead to do the cooking (or grilling, in this case), Bird went to buy ice, and the rest of us cleaned the dining area. A short while later, lunch was served, and it was uber yummy! Big thanks to Gil and her lola. After lunch, it was time for some fun in the water..
One thing I just can't forget: the slide was DANGEROUS. Or, at least, we MADE it dangerous haha.. Asa kag muslide down sa pirting taasa na slide na gatrain2.. Nangabun-og pud mi ato oie haha.. But injuries aside, it was one fun-filled day with good friends and good food. I'll let the pictures tell the rest of the story.. ^^,
To Liz, Randolph, and Fred: SAYANG!